Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Introducing My New Cover

After much debate, arguments with self and crying tantrums I have decided to change my cover. Before I published my book I went through several (as in a billion) different cover ideas and finally settled on the first one. I published with it and was quite happy. Then the more I thought about it the more I realized that the cover says nothing about the book being a historical and therefore I was missing a rather important part of the book. So I have created a new cover which I am very happy with and hope all of my 3 readers ;) will enjoy. As always I would love any comments or feedback. So without further delay I bring you the second and hopefully final cover for Pursuit of Midnight.


  1. Sharon, I think the cover is beautiful. It speaks to the fact it is a historical which is important but its romantic and very professional. Great job.

  2. I love the cover Sharon! And count me in as your 4th reader! I am enjoying this immensely!! And so looking forward to more regency romances from you!
    I discovered yours on Smashwords. I love to find new and Indie and small pub authors and thrilled I found it. The cover fits perfectly!
